Jefferson Smith

Jefferson Smith: A Life Devoted to Doing Good

In the annals of ambitious career paths, few stories are as inspiring and unique as that of Jefferson Smith, a Portland native who walked away from a lucrative corporate law career at a prominent New York firm to pursue a greater calling. Smith’s journey, which has spanned over two decades, has been marked by a steadfast commitment to doing good over doing well.

Smith’s story begins at Harvard University, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude, setting the stage for what could have been a highly profitable career in corporate law. However, his path took an unexpected turn just two weeks into his job at a New York law firm. Assigned to defend tobacco companies, he found himself at odds with his own principles. Smith didn’t smoke, but he harbored deep concerns about the predatory practices of companies keeping people hooked on nicotine. Unwilling to compromise his values, he walked away from a six-figure salary and returned to Oregon.

This pivotal moment in Smith’s life exemplifies a core belief that has defined his trajectory: it is more important to do good than to amass wealth. This principle has guided his actions and decisions ever since.

Smith’s commitment to making a positive impact on his community and the world led him to establish The Bus Project in 2001. With a few friends and a repurposed old bus, they embarked on a mission to engage young voters throughout Oregon. Their message was simple yet profound: “not left, not right, but forward.” The Bus Project became a driving force in youth voter registration and progressive politics, and though Smith has moved on from it, it lives on as Next Up, dedicated to creating a more just and equitable Oregon.

During his tenure as a state representative in 2008 and 2010, Smith championed a range of initiatives that demonstrated his commitment to improving society. Notably, he developed a statewide water strategy, promoted energy-saving measures in Oregon’s public schools, and pushed for transparency by putting the entire state government budget online. Smith also created online voter registration and helped young victims of child trafficking expunge their prostitution convictions at age 21. His approach was not just effective but also innovative, as seen when he orchestrated the “Rickrolling” of the legislature, turning a pop culture meme into a memorable political moment.

Smith’s remarkable oratory skills and ability to connect with audiences also played a pivotal role in his advocacy. His 2012 commencement address at the University of Oregon earned a spot on NPR’s list of “Best Commencement Speeches, Ever.” Smith’s speeches were marked by his even-tempered demeanor, likable personality, self-deprecating humor, and relatable anecdotes that drove his message home: everyone has a role to play in shaping a better future through political engagement.

In the last decade, while maintaining a lower public profile, Smith has remained true to his grassroots activism. He became the Executive Director of XRAY.FM, a non-profit progressive talk radio station, where he hosted a daily program for seven years. His dedication to education and social change led him to serve on the Board of Wayfinding College, a pioneering institution rethinking higher education. Additionally, as an Advisor at World Oregon, Smith has worked to raise public awareness and understanding of international affairs, emphasizing the importance of global perspectives in a rapidly changing world.

Smith’s involvement extends to Portland Forward, where he is a Founding Board Member. This coalition aims to transform Portland into a “sustainable, equitable, liveable” city by addressing issues such as houselessness, wage disparities, education, public transportation, displacement, and police brutality, while also prioritizing environmental concerns.

In his latest entrepreneurial endeavor, Smith joined, a software development company striving to enhance the accuracy of clinical trials by minimizing dropout rates, improving reporting, and ensuring better representation of rural residents and people of color. By merging technology and behavioral science, empowers participants and researchers to collaborate in improving scientific recommendations. The company’s mission aligns perfectly with Smith’s lifelong dedication to positive change.

Though Smith has consistently identified as a Democrat, he has expressed a desire to move beyond the traditional spectrum of political thinking. For him, values and ideals should take precedence over tribal affiliations, emphasizing the importance of shared goals and principles in addressing societal challenges.

Jefferson Smith’s journey is a testament to the idea that it is possible to lead a fulfilling life by prioritizing the greater good. In a world often driven by personal gain, his unwavering commitment to doing good over doing well serves as an inspiring reminder that values and principles can be powerful catalysts for change. Jefferson Smith’s life story stands as a beacon of hope, showing us that the pursuit of a better world is a path worth traveling, regardless of the financial rewards it may or may not offer.