Steve Marino

Steve Marino: A Political Trailblazer Who Walks the Talk

In the realm of politics, where campaign promises often dissipate like mist in the morning sun, the legacy of keeping one’s word is a rare gem. Steve Marino, a former Michigan State Representative, stands as a testament to the enduring power of dedication and integrity in the world of politics.

Politicians can emerge from various avenues, whether through grassroots volunteering, formal education in political science, or by cutting their teeth in local campaigns. While many successful politicians carry advanced degrees or military service records, there are no guarantees that they will deliver on their campaign pledges. Sometimes, it’s the young and impassioned individuals with unwavering convictions who manage to turn campaign promises into tangible outcomes for their constituents.

Steve Marino’s journey into politics was marked by an early interest and natural affinity for the field. His trajectory began with serving as Senior Class President in high school and later ascending to the position of Student Body President at Michigan State University. These early leadership experiences shaped his political aspirations. Following his academic pursuits, Marino ventured into the world of business and later transitioned into a career as a lobbyist. Armed with three bachelor’s degrees in Economics, Public Policy and Public Administration, and Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy, Marino possessed a robust knowledge base about how the political machinery operates.

Before seeking election to the Michigan House, Marino garnered valuable experience as a member of the Macomb County Board of Commissioners. He was driven by a genuine desire to make a difference and bring his vision to fruition. Marino’s tenure in the Michigan House was marked by his affiliation with the Republican Party and a staunch emphasis on bolstering small businesses and fostering overall economic growth. However, the true measure of Marino’s political career lies in his unwavering commitment to keeping his campaign promises.

In a landscape where campaign rhetoric often fades into oblivion once politicians take office, Marino’s integrity and dedication shine brightly. His consistency and straightforward approach to critical issues have set him apart as a politician who truly walks the talk. But what sets Marino apart from the crowd? Let’s delve into his 2016 campaign promises and assess how well he delivered on them.

2016 Priorities vs. Accomplishments

A brief journey to Ballotpedia offers a window into Marino’s aspirations as he sought his first term. Fast forward seven years, and we can measure his accomplishments against the lofty goals he initially set out to achieve.

1. Jobs were priority #1

In his 2016 campaign, Marino emphasized the importance of job creation in Michigan’s economic revival. His words echoed the sentiment that Michigan needed to be a magnet for jobs, where people could afford to live, work, and raise their families.

During his tenure in the Michigan House, Marino’s commitment to this cause was unswerving. He consistently voted in favor of policies that supported small businesses and facilitated economic growth, boasting an impressive 100% voting record in this regard. His dedication earned him prestigious awards, including The Small Business Association of Michigan’s (SBAM) Legislator of the Year in 2021 and the title of Legislative Economic Development Champion by the Michigan Economic Developers Association (MEDA). Marino’s tireless efforts bore fruit as he authored over 20 Public Acts aimed at fortifying economic development incentives, assisting small businesses, and promoting economic diversification. Collaborating with the MEDC, Marino’s work facilitated record-breaking investments between 2020 and 2022, while his efforts in crafting a small business acceleration package resulted in state grants and sparked entrepreneurial growth.

2. Taxes

Marino recognized the importance of maintaining competitive tax rates to keep Michigan attractive for workers, job creators, and families. His 2016 campaign pledged to resist the knee-jerk reaction of raising taxes to address overspending.

In 2022, Marino voted to reduce specific tax rates and expand credits and exemptions, effectively achieving a substantial $2.5 billion reduction in state taxes. His commitment to tax relief extended to his votes in 2021 to establish multiple Property Tax Exemptions and in 2017 to establish Tax Incentives for Job Creation by businesses, solidifying his dedication to fiscal responsibility.

3. Education

Understanding that a solid educational foundation is paramount for a prosperous future, Marino’s 2016 campaign stressed the significance of quality education. He advocated for local control over education standards and parental involvement in decisions affecting their children’s schooling.

In 2021, Marino sponsored a bill mandating students to complete a Personal Finance Course before graduation, underscoring the importance of financial literacy. He consistently championed vocational training and dual enrollment, recognizing the diverse educational needs of Michigan’s youth. Additionally, he voted to increase funding for public schools and raise pay for student teachers, further highlighting his commitment to enhancing educational opportunities.

4. Protect Freedom and Defend Values

Marino pledged to safeguard individual rights and protect the Constitution from erosion by politicians who sought to dismantle it. His dedication to defending shared values became even more crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic when personal liberties faced unprecedented challenges.

In response, Marino consistently voted to restore power to the people. He opposed governmental mandates like vaccine passports, supported the repeal of the Governor’s Emergency Powers Act of 1945, and advocated for legislation granting immunity to businesses from COVID-19 exposure lawsuits. His unwavering stance on preserving personal freedoms underscored his commitment to the principles on which he was elected.

At just 34 years old, Steve Marino stands on the precipice of a potentially long and impactful political career. His consistency, unwavering commitment to his campaign promises, and straightforward approach to critical issues set him apart as a politician of integrity and dedication. As he pursues his Master’s in Public Policy and Administration at Northwestern University, his journey remains one to watch closely. Steve Marino’s legacy serves as a reminder that in the world of politics, keeping one’s word is a testament to true leadership and a legacy worth leaving behind.