Matt Dennis

Balancing Success and Fulfillment: A Day in the Life of Investor Matt Dennis

Achieving success in the fast-paced world of international equity investment is no small feat, and Austin-based investor Matt Dennis knows this better than most. With over two decades of experience managing portfolios for INVESCO, he recently embarked on a new journey with S5 Capital. What sets Matt apart, aside from his impressive career, is his intentional, organized, and highly productive approach to each day.

The Foundation of Matt’s Day

Matt’s daily routine is a testament to his commitment to productivity and personal growth. He rises at 5:20 am in his hometown of Austin, Texas, and dedicates the first moments of his day to a stretching, core exercises, breathing exercises, and a gratitude routine. This mindful start helps him cultivate a positive mindset for the day ahead. Afterward, he enjoys a cup of coffee and 20 minutes of reading, setting a productive tone for the hours to come.

Once his morning rituals are complete, Matt’s focus shifts to family time. He has breakfast with his daughters and ensures they are ready for school. Family is a cornerstone of his life, and he makes it a priority to spend quality time with his loved ones.

The Productivity Power Hours

Matt’s workday officially begins at 7:00 am when he heads to the office. The first 90 minutes are crucial for him, as he prioritizes his most important tasks during this time. Whether it’s preparing for an earnings release, reviewing financial reports, or refining an investment thesis, this period is dedicated to deep work. Matt often dons noise-canceling headphones to minimize distractions and enter a state of flow.

The subsequent 90 minutes are dedicated to sifting through research and industry information from various sources. This helps him identify the most relevant information for his near-term focus, ensuring that he remains informed and up-to-date in his field.

Balancing Act

After a mid-morning email check, Matt takes a break for physical activity, devoting 45-60 minutes to working out before lunch. This practice not only keeps him physically fit but also helps clear his mind and maintain his energy levels.

Following lunch, Matt refocuses on his daily priorities, reserving time for phone calls and email responses in the afternoon. As the workday draws to a close, he takes 5-10 minutes to plan his tasks for the next day and organize his workspace. This seemingly small step has had a substantial impact on his productivity, allowing him to maintain a clear focus on his goals.

The 3:1 Balance Rule and the OPA Framework

In recent years, Matt has adopted the 3:1 balance rule, ensuring that for every three work-related priorities, he includes at least one non-work-related item. This approach helps him maintain a balanced life, with time dedicated to personal renewal, family, and friends.

Matt is also a proponent of the OPA framework, which encourages individuals to focus on the big-picture outcomes they aim to achieve, linking them intentionally to their purpose before brainstorming the specific actions needed to reach those outcomes. This approach helps him stay on track and avoid getting lost in a sea of daily to-do lists.

Filtering Out Noise for Enhanced Focus

One of Matt’s critical insights over the years has been the importance of filtering out noise, particularly in his line of work, where constant news flow can be overwhelming. While he acknowledges the power of professional tools like Bloomberg for managing money, he cautions against overconsumption. Clicking on news flow items in search of information, often irrelevant to his investing focus, can be a time-consuming and counterproductive habit.

Advice for Aspiring Professionals

Matt Dennis offers sage advice to young professionals starting their careers. He encourages them to save more, take calculated risks, travel, read extensively, embrace accountability, and recognize the power of compounding in all aspects of life. Cultivating mentors early on is another piece of advice he emphasizes.

Matt also urges young professionals not to waste their precious time and energy with business partners or employers who do not value a positive culture. He advises individuals to either engage constructively to promote change or move on to an environment that aligns with their values.

In conclusion, Matt Dennis’s well-balanced approach to life, coupled with his successful career, serves as an inspiring example for those looking to achieve both personal and professional fulfillment. His dedication to productivity, family, and a holistic view of success is a reminder that true achievement goes beyond the workplace and should encompass all aspects of one’s life.